What is Clinical Pilates?

What is Clinical Pilates?

Clinical pilates is a type of pilates in which pilates exercises are planned individually after a physical therapy examination and the exercises are performed under the supervision of a physiotherapist. In addition, it does not cause any disease complaints and can be preferred for purposes such as muscle strengthening, tightening, increasing endurance and body flexibility.

What is Clinical Pilates Used for?

When it comes to what clinical pilates is used for, the first thing that comes to mind is alleviating and relieving pain. It is especially effective on the muscular and skeletal system. In addition to all these, it also increases the flexibility of the body. This causes it to be used as a preventive treatment. With these practices, which consist of certain exercises and methods, it is possible for people to get rid of many health problems and ailments.

How to Do Clinical Pilates?

The question of how clinical pilates is done is one of the most curious questions in this context. The applications in question are primarily performed in the presence of physiotherapists. The general understanding focuses on disorders that occur in various parts of people. If a patient experiences pain in the lower back, this area is focused more intensively. With the most accurate techniques determined by physiotherapists, patients are provided relief from pain. It is more based on certain movements on a bed and floor. However, there are also different tools and equipment in the centers. In this way, certain movements can be performed in a much more balanced and easier way, allowing patients to get rid of their health problems in the most effective way.

Primer Fizyoterapi Merkezi
9+ Yıllık

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